A Commitment To Success
Life Skills Autism Academy ("Life Skills") has a commitment to compliance. It is important to us that we provide an ethical and compassionate approach to every single person we serve.
Life Skills has a compliance program that is modeled after the Office of Inspector General's Seven Elements of an Effective Compliance Program. We screen all potential employees to ensure they meet background screening requirements and are eligible to participate in federal healthcare programs. We distribute our Company
Code of Conduct during an employee's first days on the job. We want our employees to understand their responsibility to not only adhere to these standards of conduct, but also actively participate in and promote compliance within their workplace.
If our employees have a workplace concern, we encourage them to speak to a supervisor and the Corporate Compliance Department. If an employee does not feel comfortable talking to someone within the Company about the issue, he or she can call an external toll-free Compliance Hotline at
1-866-842-7126 to report concerns 24 hours a day. Callers may remain anonymous when they report their concerns.
Employees, contractors and other stakeholders, including our service recipients and their families, can also report concerns through our website.
Notice to all Life Skills Contractors and Agents
Pursuant to section 6032 of the federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA), all contractors and agents of Life Skills must comply with and abide by Life Skills' policies for preventing fraud, waste and abuse.
This law applies to any contractor or agent who, on behalf of Life Skills, furnishes or otherwise authorizes the furnishing of Medicaid health care services, supplies products used in Medicaid health care service delivery, or monitors Medicaid health care services provided by Life Skills.
Contractors or agents should download and disseminate the following policies to all employees or sub-contractors involved in Life Skills' business activities:
Any questions related to these requirements for Life Skills contractors and agents should be directed to Life Skills' Corporate Compliance Department:
Jeff Felty, CHC, CHPC Chief Compliance Officer
(248) 864-1893 CorporateCompliance@centriahealthcare.com